Seasonal Yoga, Food, and Chinese Medicine

Spring Detox

Leigh Evans & Annie Kunjappy
Sun. April 7


It’s Spring and it’s time to cleanse and make space for new beginnings, rebirth, and regeneration!

Based on the ancient healing practices of Chinese Medicine and Ayurveda, this Seasonal attunement workshop offers you simple tangible practices to enhance your well being. By harmonizing our inner rhythms with the energetic movements of each season, we invite a state of balance and increased vitality into our beings. The Spring Cleanse workshop will help you attune to the Season through yoga practices, dietary and lifestyle shifts designed to create a personal Spring within. These practices are tailored to awaken, cleanse, and tone the organs and meridians associated with the elements of each season.

According to Chinese Medicine, Spring is the time to attend to our livers and gallbladders. Awaken from Winter’s slumber with Leigh’s deeply detoxifying yoga sequence, breath-work, acupressure points, and lifestyle changes. Annie will offer healthy ways to cleanse the body of the effects of winter accumulation through safe fasts appropriate for your Ayurvedic body type, and delicious ways to revitalize for spring with food that nourishes and attunes your body/mind to the season. There will be tastings and recipes for spring juice tonics, detox teas that emphasize the balanced functioning of the liver and gall bladder, as well as traditional Ayurvedic Kitchari to detoxify, restore and lighten your system.


Leigh Evans

Leigh Evans (E-RYT 500 HR) is a senior yoga teacher based in Brooklyn, New York. She is a go-to resource for seasonal wellness practices, Ayurveda Yoga, sleep yoga, and women’s yoga practices as well as expert alignment. Leigh has over 25 years of experience teaching intuitive, creative, alignment based vinyasa yoga classes. Leigh’s seasoned approach to the practice can transform any student who craves insight on the body and the human experience. From the study of Yoga and Ayurveda in India to Thai Massage in Chiang Mai, Leigh’s breadth of knowledge gives her the tools to teach practical applications that can change students’ everyday lives. Leigh is the founder and director of the Yoga Sukhavati Teacher Training Programs. Yoga Sukhavati’s Seasonal vinyasa practices are infused with Ayurveda, Buddhism, and Women’s practices. Leigh teaches retreats, trainings, workshops, and festivals nationally and internationally. For more info. on Leigh.

Annie Kunjappy

Annie is a private chef and dietary consultant. Her approach to food is informed by the study of Ayurveda, Macrobiotics, the Chinese 5-phase theory and the latest advances in nutritional science, all of which deepened her understanding of the relationship between food and the body as it unfolds in time. As a chef, she melds the aesthetics and science of food into eating experiences that are sensual and healthful. She is a graduate of the Natural Gourmet Institute for Health and Culinary Arts, and taught in their Chefs’ Training Program. For more information, please visit her website.



Brooklyn Navy Yard
63 Flushing Ave, Suite 1105
Brooklyn, NY 11205

(347) 670-3660

